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Stuart Turton, The Last Murder at the End of the World

No spoilers here, I promise. The Last Murder at the End of the World  is a remarkable book, and I won't choose to read another novel by Stuart Turton. Image from Stuart Turton's own website This shouldn't bother Turton in the least, since he's sold more than a million copies of his three novels so far, and he's on contract for a fourth to come out from Bloomsbury. My small self's saying so isn't meant to bother him, in any case, but to clarify for myself how I really felt about this novel. Where to start? It was an accidental read, let's say that. One of the book club members chose this one several months ago for the January meeting, then left me off the group email where he opted instead for Matt Haig's The Humans  (which I'll read next). I'd already bought it, and I appreciate when someone else chooses my books for me and helps me escape my own vast limitations, so here we are. When I say that I won't choose to read another novel by Stu...

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