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Matt Haig, The Humans

My book club friend made an excellent choice, I'd say, in dropping Stuart Turton's SF-y Last Murder at the End of the World  for Matt Haig's The Humans . Both are by English writers, so in that sense it's not unreasonable to lump them together genre-wise, but they're radically different from each other, and I'm a whole lot closer to loving The Humans  than I ever expected. From Haig's own web page about the book (linked above): "This is the book I am most proud of. I have never written anything like it and probably never will again. I have no idea if you will like it. I really hope you do. I am a nervous wreck about this one. I don’t really know why. Well, I do. Because it is personal. I put absolutely everything I had into it so if people don’t like it then they don’t like me, because all the best things I have to offer the world are inside its pages. I don’t want to tell you it is a book that features an alien in it, because you might not like books w...

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