February 2007 - Publishers' reps

Free from publishers so far this semester:
  • Michael Austin, ed., Reading the World: Ideas that Matter
  • Robert Browning, Robert Browning's Poetry (Norton Critical Ed., ed. Loucks and Stauffer)
  • Gary Goshgarian & Kathleen Krueger, Crossfire Argument: A Rhetoric and Reader
  • Glenn et al., The Writer's Harbrace Handbook (first Canadian edition)
  • Bovee & Thill, Business Communication Essentials
  • Ettinger & Perfetto, Business English: Writing in the Workplace
Free books is one of the things I like about teaching at a university, though I feel a bit anxious about the costs to students, and will wind up giving most of these away over the next year or so....


Anonymous said…
Free Books! I love them. *sigh* So far this semester, I've only been promised one--a Norton, which is cool.

We have others who come by and want our books. They'll pay us a slim amount, and I imagine they probably resell at a higher price. They probably dislike me because, from my office, they get nothing. NOTHING! :)
richard said…
I sell nothing to the people you describe, nothing at all, even when they offer to give me the money as a cheque to my preferred charity. I loan the books out, and give away to students the ones that don't fade forever into the arms of their borrowers.

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