March 14 - Bolen's

For the book club I picked up Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion ($18.95), which I expect to appreciate but which I can't really see a reason to read. I mean, I'm already an atheist, so stop yelling at me, man :-)

And a special note. We buy a lot of kids' books around here, but far too many are in the Franklin, Little Bear, and Dora series. I buy others occasionally, to enforce breadth of experience, dammit, breadth of experience, but they don't turn up here. I must, however, plug today's purchase of Paul Owen Lewis' gem Frog Girl. it does a pretty good job (though not perfect) of introducing Northwest Coast myths and cultural practices. There's some pastiche of styles ("hey, isn't that guy wearing a Tlingit hat with a Haida blanket?"), and the story is more overtly moralistic than it really needs to be - but it's children's lit, after all. Gorgeous art, heart in the right place.


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