Jan. 17 - author's sale & Grafton Books

An eventful book day yesterday.

In the morning, I managed briefly to nip into Grafton Books to pick up Charles Lillard's phenomenal and irreplaceable A Voice Great Within Us ($11, credited as "with Terry Glavin" and with the truly Augustan cover subtitle of The Story of Chinook, B.C.'s Lost Language, with a Chinook Lexicon, Examples of Its Use, a Map and Gazetteer of Chinook Place Names, Chinook Poetry, and a Discussion of Its Origin and Legacy) and Jasper Fforde's Lost in a Good Book ($7.50, the volume between the two I'd already enjoyed in this series, The Eyre Affair and The Well of Lost Plots).

In the afternoon, noted author, journalist, professor, and sharp-dressed man David Leach stopped by - complete with his titanium thighs, soon to be pictured on his blog, no doubt - to sell me a copy of his seriously cool book Fatal Tide (autographed at $30, a discount of $2 from the cover price).


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