October 3, 2006 - breathing again
Six weeks of chaos, madness, confusion, out of which I stumble with treasures in hand.
Hornby Island, at second hand:
Hornby Island, at second hand:
- Doug Jones, My Brother's Farm: Reflections on Life, Farming, and the Pleasures of Food ($4)
- Wayne Grady, Chasing the Chinook: On the trail of Canadian words and culture ($6)
- Bill Bryson, In a Sunburned Country ($2)
- Oliver Sacks, The Island of the Colorblind ($6.99)
- Chip Kidd, The Cheese Monkeys: A Novel in Two Semesters ($9.48)
- Michael PJ Kennedy (ed.), Going Top Shelf: An Anthology of Canadian Hockey Poetry ($2.99)
- Alexander Pope, Works, Volume II (Imitations and Translations) - 1756 ($85)
- Douglas Coupland, JPod
- Julian Barnes, A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters
- John Vaillant, The Golden Spruce ($21)
- Audrey Niffenegger, The Time Traveler's Wife ($22)
- Orhan Pamuk, Snow ($21)
- Tom Wayman, Did I Miss Anything? Selected Poems 1973-1993 ($7.95)
- Bronwen Wallace, The Stubborn Particulars of Grace ($5.95)