
My links section on Things Green licks. Just not good enough. More depth and variety, I think, is what I want: the ones listed now are decent representative samples, but the only one of them I can't do without is the nerd-friendly, hardcore local Niches, from the vicinity of Athens, Georgia. There are others that I've enjoyed, but my enjoyment of green sites isn't as consistent as it is with book blogs. (And as some of you may have noticed, I keep dropping and adding book sites, too!)

The recent debate on these pages about Derrick Jensen has kept this in the front of my mind, but it's been brought to life by my renewed lust for foraging, wild berries, heritage vegetables, heritage fruits, etc. Next month we start getting home delivery of local vegetables, too! Not entirely organic, but frankly I'd rather go local non-organic than non-local organic. Mostly. I'd have to run the numbers on each item to feel really safe, but there aren't enough hours for the obsessions I've already made room and allowances for.

What was I saying? Ah yes.

I'm going to do some serious browsing over the next few days, once I finish (a) marking tech writing reports, (b) marking philosophy exams, (c) commenting on practicum report outlines, and (d) golfing on Thursday. (Am I a bad person for enjoying (b) more than the others on this list?!?)

Any suggestions? Hardcore damn-the-man activism, soft green consumerism, writings about specific locations, deep thoughts from pretty places -- really, anything goes at this point!


richard said…
Um... yes? Like "sucks," but with an additional ... je ne sais quoi, as Steve Martin might say on one of his 1970s albums.

I'm giddy from too much marking and not enough sleep. Ugly.
Anonymous said…
Hope you're being kind on any utilitarians you come across in your philosophy marking.

And was '(b)' a typo? If not then you are not bad, but merely deranged! If I see one more essay citing Wikipedia as an authoritative reference on all things philosophical despite repeatedly advising that it is not then something bad will occur. Thankfully all marking is behind me now for at least 3 months.

As an aside I have to go through the word verification process twice every time I post a comment (of which there are probably too many).
richard said…
No, Keith, it's not a typo - though it's not entirely accurate, either. My students think of it as philosophy, but really we're studying literary theory in relation to justice studies issues (a final-semester course at one of the universities I teach at). Semiotics and deconstruction for a bit more than the first half, then "applied theory" for the rest, like postcolonial or race theory.

Wikipedia is the devil. I'm not sure I said that verbatim to this group, but I usually do.

I'll remove the word verification thingie, though it should only have been making you do it once per comment. Will it lead to even more comments from you? :-) (Keep 'em coming!)
Anonymous said…
Sounds like an interesting course, if one worked within the discipline of continental philosophy (as contrasted with analytic philosophy- although the terms are somewhat nebulous and/or non-referring depending on who you talk to), then it looks fairly philosophical in nature.

Hope removing the word verifier doesn't lead to loads of automated spam (although may be that would be blessed relief compared to some of my posts).
richard said…
Keith, I could stop accepting anonymity, or if the worst happens I can go back to word verification. And keep posting: I enjoyed the debate.

It is an interesting course, and yes, continental philosophy is about the right description, except that the last third of the class is wildly idiosyncratic, with most readings coming from the online journal Bad Subjects (link in the sidebar). There's one on ethnic restaurants, for example, and another on racial graffiti in men's public washrooms at an American university. Not rigorous, the last third of the course, but I hope provocative!

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