Oct. 20 - Fort Street Cafe
I went to a wonderful reading event last night, featuring Vanessa Winn (The Chief Factor's Daughter), Des Kennedy (Patrick's Mountain), Theresa Kishkan (The Age of Waterlilies) and Anik See (Postcard & Other Stories). There were 35 or so people there, and I really enjoyed myself -- great to meet Anik and Theresa (here and here), whose work I've so appreciated, and who were just lovely to talk to.
Theresa's daughter seemed nice, but she was awfully embarrassed by Theresa's decision to read the naughty bits out of the novel....
Since I already owned The Age of Waterlilies, and the other two didn't appeal to me as much, I picked up only Anik See's Postcard & Other Stories, from Freehand Books and sold to me by the attending bookseller Cadboro Bay Books. Looking forward to digging in!