Oct 9 - United Way
Stupid United Way booksale. A simple "Last day - by donation!" sign shouldn't have such power:
- Doug Cuthand, Tapwe: Selected Columns of Doug Cuthand (the thoughtful and provocative Cree journalist from Saskatchewan, whose colums I so often appreciate on the rare times I see them in the Times-Colonist)
- Ivan Doig, Dancing at the Rascal Fair
- Brian Fawcett, Local Matters: A Defence of Dooney's Cafe and Other Non-Globalized Places, People, and Ideas (sample line: "Siding with environmentalists doesn't fool me into trusting them, or, for that matter, liking them" [92])
- The Best of Granta Travel (1991)
- Vid Ingelevics, Hunter : Gatherer (exhibition gallery from the Southern Alberta Art Gallery & the Tom Thomson Art Gallery -- mostly photos of woodpiles!)
- Hugh MacLennan (text), The Colours of Canada (another entry in my growing pile of 60s/70s coffee-table books about Canadian nature, to set against my similarly growing pile of Sierra Club photo-books)
- ed. Wells, Velie, & Walker, Appleseeds and Beercans: Man and Nature in Literature (a 1974 anthology)
I managed to avoid the temptation of checking out the United Way sale and just gave away books this year. Liberating... until I see the stacks of unread magazines and books scattered across the house and office.
Theresa, I've heard great things about Doig's nonfiction as well, but not all that much about the fiction. With the roaring success of A River Runs Through It, I thought that I'd've heard more about Doig's Montana fiction if it was something really wonderful. But characters being dumb because they're for a male readership? Good heavens. You must have had your coffee this morning without the usual helping of tact! :-)
Guess I'll have to give one of them a read, now -- unlike that wastrel Leach....
Sure, I'm still talking to you. And I hope to meet you on the 20th, when you're here reading with Anik See and Des Kennedy, at the Cornerstone Cafe.